Jordan / Hejaz Railways / No.23 for Qatrana (September 2010)

A British Railfan tour was conducted to travel by Hejaz Railways in Jordan and Syria in September 2010. On this day Steam engine No.23 manufactured by Robert Stephenson & Howthornes pulled the train as far as Qatrana, about 100km south from Amman. At Amman station No.23 moved toward the water port to fill up water.

The train departed Amman at 9 am and just after passing Ten Bridge it stopped for photo run-by. After passengers got off for taking photo, No.23 pushed the train backward to before the bridge and pulled it again running over the bridge. The driver did not stop whistling through the bridge.
At Al-Jizah station the train stopped far before the building in order for No.23 to fill up water from the water port. After a break the train departed southbound.
The line after Al-Jizah is located through the desert and it is not easy to approach by car. Near a road crossing I was waiting the train coming in vast desert with black smoke.
When the train passed a road crossing, it stopped and moved backward. Passengers got off the train and were waiting something. I asked one of them and he answered that the Locomotive ran out of water and asked a water tank lorry from the nearest town to come.
After filling up water the train departed for Qatrana.
In the Qatrana station there is a delta line for turning locomotive. No.23 moved backward to a switch then crawled into another line toward north.
  After No.23 turned its head toward Amman, it moved backward and coupled with the coachs. Now it is ready to leave for Amman. 
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